batte melt pump

What are the criteria for checking the shaft seal of a melt pump extrusion?

The shaft seal of melt pump extrusion usually adopts packing seal and mechanical seal as well as the combination of the two sealing methods; the following four points are the inspection standards for the shaft seal. melt pump extrusion 1、The radial

Structure and composition of high-temperature melt gear pump

High temperature melt gear pump is a high-performance hot melt pump equipment developed specifically for special working conditions. Its structure consists of eight components, including the pump body, front cover plate, rear cover plate, driving sha

Why is the melt pump extrusion unable to discharge?

Reasons and specific solutions for the inability to discharge materials during the use of high-temperature melt pump extrusion: melt pump extrusion The reason why the hot melt pump cannot discharge: 1. The rotation direction of the high-temperature m

How to adjust the flow rate of the melt gear pump?

The flow rate of the melt pump is related to the motor speed, and when adjusting the motor speed, the flow rate of the melt gear pump can be changed. For precise adjustment of the flow rate of the melt pump, it is usually necessary to match the melt

What are the characteristics of spiral seals in melt transfer pumps?

The lifespan of the seal is the key to measuring the operating cycle of the melt transfer pump. Ensuring the long-term operation of the chemical melt pump is of great significance for the stability of polyester production. Filler seals are widely use

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Batte is a professional screen changer manufacturer, supplying screen changer, especially screen changer for extrusion mould