batte melt pump

What production processes are suitable for melt pumps?

The application of melt pumps has demonstrated its effectiveness in the plastic extrusion process, especially in the manufacturing of thin films and thin-walled profiles. The main advantage of a melt pump is that it can achieve a uniform state of plastic melt, effectively reducing the fluctuation amplitude of the melt pressure and flow rate conveyed by the extruder. This characteristic is particularly important in manufacturing high-quality, uniformly thick products. Especially in the production of highly oriented films such as PET, PS, PP, and PA, these materials require extremely high stability in melt pressure and flow rate. Any small pulsation amplitude, impurity contamination of raw materials or formation of gel particles may seriously affect the mixing and homogenization quality of the melt. Therefore, only under stable process conditions can high-quality oriented films be produced. And the melt pump is the key to solving this problem.

polymer melt pump

Although melt pumps have been widely used in plastic extrusion systems, their application is still limited when processing plastics containing fillers or special modifiers. This is because the melt pump has strict requirements for the dispersion of each component, compatibility with plastics, and abrasion resistance. For materials containing large particles, abrasive fillers, or reinforcing agents, the additive particles may form material plugs, which cannot pass through the inter tooth gap of the meshing gear of the melt pump. This may lead to blockage of the melt pump and abrasive wear of the gear, resulting in rapid damage to the melt pump.

melt pump

In addition, fine mineral fillers may also cause similar problems, especially when their compatibility with plastics is poor, they may not be able to achieve sufficient shear in the high-speed shear zone, gradually forming material plugs that can damage the melt pump. Therefore, when choosing whether to use a melt pump, it is necessary to fully consider the composition and characteristics of the plastic to ensure the stability of the production process and the quality of the product.


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