Why is the melt pump extrusion unable to discharge?
Reasons and specific solutions for the inability to discharge materials during the use of high-temperature melt pump extrusion:
melt pump extrusion
The reason why the hot melt pump cannot discharge:
1. The rotation direction of the high-temperature melt pump in extruder is reversed, resulting in abnormal discharge;
2. The suction or discharge valve is closed, resulting in the inability to discharge;
3. The channel of the high-temperature melt pump is empty or the inlet working pressure is too low;
4. The viscosity of the conveyed melt is too high, and the high-temperature melt pump cannot bite the material.
hot melt pump
Solutions provided by Zhengzhou BATTE melt pump manufacturer:
1. Determine the rotation direction of the high-temperature melt pump;
2. Determine if the gate valve is closed;
3. Check the gate valve and pressure gauge;
4. Check the viscosity of the melt.
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